My mind cannot comprehend that it has been one year since this amazing event changed our lives forever.
He is changing everyday. Loves to talk now. Even attempting to say some words: flower, more, all done, light, papa, mama, dada, pst. Okay the last one isn't really a word but it's so cute when he says it.
He isn't walking yet but he has taken a couple steps a time or two. When he's ready he will do it.
Sleeps like a champ. Eats like a champ. At his year weigh-in he was at 22 lbs and 29 inches long. Once again, 50th percentile across the board.
We have seen a few tantrums so far. They have thrown us for a loop but we are figuring it out as we go. Oh toddlerhood... deep breaths.
Most of the time he is an easy-going and happy boy. Let's hope it stays that way.
I could go on and on and on about how much love and light this little angel boy has brought into our lives.
Leo, I can't believe you have been with us for one year! Sometimes it feels so short but I feel like I have known you my whole life. We love you forever!
I love the collage! He sure is handsome.
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