Sunday, August 7, 2011


We are excited to welcome a new baby Harker into our family in March 2012. It has taken me a couple weeks to be able to be comfortable saying that statement. So there I said it and I truly am genuinely excited. For documenting sake I would like to tell the story of how we found out.

On July 4 I took a pregnancy test because there were some signs of something that may or may not be going on. That test was negative (phew!). I didn't think about it for weeks. I went to Southern California to visit family and the whole time I was there I was really tired. I didn't think much of it since I never sleep very well when I am not at home. The last day I was in CA I woke up feeling dizzy and nauseous (oh crap). I tried to brush it off as nothing but couldn't help but question it all day. That night when I got back to Washington, I picked up a pregnancy test, and took it. I didn't even look, I didn't want to look. I washed my hands and walked away, still not looking. Braden looks at me as I come out and he says, "What does it say?" "I don't know, I don't want to look." He runs in to the bathroom to check it out. "Oh, it's negative!" "Really? Good, let me see." I go in to the bathroom to confirm. Men don't know how to read pregnancy tests because it was very clearly POSITIVE! A part of me couldn't help but feel devastated. I love babies and I always knew I wanted more, but just NOT YET! (remember the whole "time clock" thing from my last post... yah) So much for those tiny pills I was taking everyday! I will admit I shed a tear or two. But as the idea has settled I am now excited. Am I ready? No way! But I have nine months to get there and I will. Braden was very excited and has had no problem adjusting to the idea.

Oh and by the way this came three days after we found out we were moving across the country to DC! Great timing. No really, it is pretty good timing. At least we knew we have a stable career before finding out we would also be having another baby!

I don't want to make it seem that this pregnancy is a somber one because it's not. Very, very, very, very shocking though. Leo will have a buddy and playmate. I am happy to give him that. He deserves it. It is hard to imagine Leo as the big brother but I know this mild-tempered boy will be great!

So let the symptoms begin! Migraines, nausea, extreme fatigue, crazy dreams, getting up to pee in the middle of night multiple times, and crazy cravings. Oh what fun!

Leo thinks so :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

finally back to blogging

From one Washington to the other. Hopefully the Obama's make some room because the Harker's are moving to Washington DC! Braden was offered a job with Homeland Security to be an economist. We are super excited for this new adventure in our life. Braden has become a little school girl. He is constantly talking about what the job will entail and how excited he is to get started on his career!

I am terribly sad to be moving away from all of our family but I am praying that we will make some awesome friends over there.

On the other hand I couldn't be more proud of my hard working husband, who is willing to sacrifice so much for our family. We finally get to see that hard work and sacrifice ALWAYS pays off, just not always on our time clock. Heavenly Father has a plan for us and if we stay faithful He will provide the way. We are humbled to be offered this position and are so grateful for the many people in our lives who have helped us get to where we are now.

I have never been to the East Coast. I hear amazing things about it except for one thing.... humidity. I just don't do well with heat, especially wet heat. But those cherry blossoms are absolutely beautiful! And how exciting will it be to be living in the capitol of our country! I am pretty excited. Let the adventures begin!

Oh and here is a pic of this adorable toddler! Who is walking all over the place, changing all the time, and a little entertainer. Love being his audience/mommy.