Thursday, March 7, 2013

birthday number one.

She's 1! She had a great low-key birthday. I took Leo to the store the day before and he had a great time helping pick out a small gift for May.

On her birthday we sang happy birthday to her almost all day long. Every chance Leo would get he would get down in her face and say, "Happy birthday, May! You're so cute! Mom, can we have cupcakes now?" He might not look happy in the pictures, but that boy scarfed down three cupcakes!

We were able to facetime with all the grandparents that day and some joined in for the happy birthday song and cupcake eating. Thank you, technology.

May wasn't too sure about the cake at first, but once she got a real bite of the cake she dug right in with both hands. She ate two cupcakes!

May is such a special girl. She is a very mellow child. Although, she is quite the wiggler right now, wants to be everywhere. She follows her brother everywhere and wants to play with whatever he is playing with. She will pick up any airplane or car and make the correct corresponding noise.

 May also loves to pick up any small item and carry it around with her as she travels. Right now that item of choice is one clean diaper wipe. She likes to wipe down the wood floors as she goes- I kid you not. This girl loves to take everything out of a container, but she will promptly put everything back where it was after. Girls are very different than boys.

Her favorite new challenge is climbing the stairs, we are still working on going down the stairs but she is getting better. Luckily, no tumbles down those stairs yet.

May love love loves her mama. And what can I say, I love that she loves me. She's my bud. She snuggles like no other (I am really lucky both of my kids love to snuggle) and gives me sweet kisses whenever I ask.

A special thing about May is that her whole life she has always loved and responded to music. She loves to dance and now that she is more vocal she will sing. It's so sweet. Braden claims she gets that from him, but I am pretty sure that I am the one singing around her all day... :)

She isn't picking up talking as quickly as Leo did. No biggie. Leo had about 7-10 words down by one year (baby genius). She is really great with answering by shaking or nodding her head. She also is pretty good with a couple of signs- more, all done, water, milk. So as long as she communicates, we're cool.

Also, no walking yet. Cruising along furniture and every once in a while she will stand on her own for a second or two. Leo didn't walk until 15 months, so I expect she will be about the same. Which I am totally okay with.

So many more wonderful things about May. She is the best little girl. We just love her!