braden and i headed to cashmere, wa, this past week. what for? just because. we don't have much time left with just the two of us, so we took a babymoon. we were able to spend some great quality time with the in-laws. braden went skiing with his dad and best bud. we also enjoyed time with some great friends. we had a great time and ate some awesome food.
lately my new thing is bakery's. i found this awesome bakery down the street from us in salt lake. the best lemon chiffon cookies ever. mmmmm. so while in cashmere we of course had to hit up the main street bakery. we decided to walk there since it's not even a half mile away. it was a beautiful morning walk and a good way to justify the pastries we were about to consume. oh my, talk about heaven on earth. their glazed donuts are way better than any krispy kreme i have ever tasted. i know baby harker agreed.
pregnancy update: 28 weeks. baby is growing and his kicks are getting stronger. i feel huge and i can't imagine it's possible to get any bigger but apparently i will. besides being larger than usual i feel good. sleep is not what i would like it to be but i survive. cheers to happy, healthy baby and mommy.